Wine Sales Assasin (Wine Jobs: Sales & Marketing)

Full Time

  Rebel Coast Winery (

  LA, SF or SD, California


We are not your parent’s winery, and we are not for everyone, so to save time, check us out first. or do some good old fashion Facebook research.

Second, if the sight of bacon offends you, and you slow down to see what time the vampire movie is playing, then click “Next Post”. If you get Archer references and Anchorman jokes, then keep reading. . . Veronica.

Oh and do not email me if you are from some shitty state like Ohio, wanting a career change, and wanting to do something romantic like move to California and get into the wine industry. It does not work that way. In fact, don’t email me if you are looking for a career change at all. Sorry about your midlife crisis, but getting into sales in the wine world is not how you recoup all those shitty years you lost spent behind a desk working for a dick boss. This is a sales job, and it is tough. You either have it, or you don’t. The pay will suck at first, and there will not be anyone there to hold your hand all day and show you how to sell. You’re probably thinking, “Why are you such a dick?” And my response would be “This saves us both a bunch of time, and everything is relative. You should meet my friends.”

So here is a little about us. (Please dear lord Google us before you read anymore, we won’t hire anyone who rocks a suit and tie, rides a scooter -except girls- or has a rolling backpack.) K, that was my last interruption, promise.

So my brother and I started making wine in college. We did not come from a rich ass wine making family. We would steal grapes at night from folks without deer fences. Then we’d make the wine in our backyards and sell it to the freshmen in the dorms. We have been making wine ever since then. Now we are legal and our wine is actually drinkable. To prove we are not just shitheads, here are all the nice things people say about it.

So where do you come in? Well our wine tastes good, is priced well, and the bottle looks cool. We are growing fast, and need more folks who want to sell it. We make only one red and one white at a time which allows us to give them the attention they need to be better than 90% of the slop that’s out there.

Believe it or not we are a fun winery, and we’ve tried our hardest to make wines that pretty much sell themselves. All you will have to do is stick to the tasting appointments you make, and show off your hustling skills when it comes to price negotiations.

We want your life to be as easy as possible. That said, you wont have to worry about delivering the wine or bill collecting. Just selling.


We pay you 15% of whatever you sell, forever. If you bring a book of accounts, we will give you a salary. If you sell 3 cases a day, plan on making $2K a month. It usually takes 2 months to get to that point if you start from scratch. We pay every Wednesday.

We are hiring people all over California. If it looks like this would be the right fit, we will Facebook stalk your ass, then do a Skype interview. If we are still crushing on each other, one of us will come up to wherever you are and train you for a few days, then pat you on the butt, and watch you sell.


E-mail all resumes to : [email protected]

P.S. Seriously, if you have never worked in sales do not email me.  If you do, it only costs me like $30 to anonymously send a bag of elephant poop to the address on the resume.

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